** This is a transcript from the YT video found here. There will be mistakes with this transcript **
Hey guys so today we are going to be installing Arch Linux arm on a Samsung Chromebook now we’re not technically installing it on the Chromebook but you can do that if you wish we’re gonna be installing it on a microSD card you can also do use a normal SD card or even a USB drive if you want usually the recommended size for one of these is for a gigabyte or more but you can do whatever you want to see what works
Follow the Guide
First we’re going to be following the guide made by Eric’s react he took the time to make this awesome script that makes it much easier for us so here’s a list of all the devices that are supported and unsupported and possibly future support but you can take a look at that I’ll have the link in the description so now we’re going to follow the instructions so get to the cross console so what we’re going to do is we’re going to hit ctrl alt and keep and that will open up this now it won’t work unless you type shell first so type shell, enter you should get that if it asks for a password then enter your password next CD downloads this will this will put the console into your downloads folder that way we can actually properly download the scripts and be able to execute this properly now that you’re into your downloads go here copy this control seat and then paste it then hit enter now what this does is it installs it into your downloads folder so if you were to check your downloads folder there it is make arch dry dot Sh that just appears so now what you want to do is you want to take your SD card or a micro SD card or thumb drive whichever you wish take it plug it in to your computer and that now that it’s inserted we’re gonna go here and copy this last command [Music] then we’re gonna copy that paste it in there and hit enter now it’s gonna say remove all devices that you don’t want to install it on if you want to install it on the hard drive itself which I don’t recommend but you can if you want take all drives out that where’s our sense that on the system hard disk so we’ve inserted our SD card so now we’re going to hit enter because it’s in and it will say running SD card and then a random number it’ll be different for each person but it’ll say something along those lines will be formatted all data on this device will be wiped and arch linux arm will be installed on this device do you want to continue with the installation we’re going to hate yes but if you do not want to do this hit no okay so if you’re aware of enough to continue hit enter and now it’s creating the device so it’s writing the system so now I’m gonna take a break wait for that to install or once it’s done I’ll show you how to boot to the drive all right so it’s finished installing and so now it’s going to say would you like to keep this program for future installs I’m going to say no you can choose whichever one you want so I’m gonna say no enter would you like to reboot now so now you can choose you wouldn’t choose to reboot now or you can do it on your own I’m going to choose yes so you can hit yes or you can just power off the machine and so now the machine the computer will shut down and reboot but at this screen instead of pressing ctrl D to skip to Chrome eyes press control U and this will activate you boot this you boot looks first Bishop cific image and so now it’s going to find the arch linux image and now it’s going to boot it and so there we go we’re almost finished booting all right so first of all first things first the login is route so our go cheap enter password is route and now you have access to the terminal of it now you can follow other tutorials on how to install a desktop environment but I’m just going to show you how to connect to Wi-Fi and that’s it so first you’re going to type Wi-Fi menu so Y Phi – men you enter scanning for networks and then you would select your Wi-Fi choose the profile name and then enter the security key that’s it folks I hope you enjoyed this tutorial hope it was helpful leave your questions or your concerns in the comments section and as always enjoy