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Upgrading the HP Pavillion p6000 Home Computer

** This is a video transcript and may contain errors. Find the video here **


Hey guys today we are going to be upgrading a HP billion p6000 computer we are going to be adding new and features to it such as we’re gonna be adding uh a dedicated graphics card and we are going to be adding a new power supply

Time to Upgrade

We are going to be adding some more RAM do this to here so right now the power supply we are going to be putting in is the thermal light take TR 2 – 4 3 0 W and because this computer is a little older it runs Windows 7 I found the perfect perfect dedicated graphics card that came from an old computer but it still works with Windows 7 at least it’s better than no dedicated Netflix card so we are going to be putting in the NVIDIA Quadro F X so we are going to switch over to phone that may be visually what we’re doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] no it’s 2 gigabytes we’re gonna be adding 2 gigabytes of RAM and do this computer as well so right now this is what the computer looks like we already took out the old the old power supply that used to go right there and now let’s just get to it grab this power supply and we’re gonna just be very careful you go the computers you always want to be touching metal otherwise if you touch something else and you shock something like a motherboard then it could actually fry your entire computer up and you will no longer be able to use your computer and that would not be good so this should easily just slide we’re gonna screw this in now that we have that screwed in we will we are actually not gonna plug anything into that because we want to be careful we’re now gonna add in our RAM this is where RAM goes we have already two sticks in there we’re just gonna simply add this one right in just like this so now that we have that RAM in there you will grab our dedicated graphics card there actually right now we’re gonna quickly just unscrew this so we can now that is unscrewed we are going to grab a card I’m very careful and it will just go right in place next we’re just gonna grab my cords and we’re gonna make sure we put the right ones in so let’s see we have our power which will easily plug in right there now that’s plugged in we will grab this one this one will plug into our graphics card know that that is plugged in we will grab this one this one just this power too this one gives the power to our hard drive we kind of need that and then this one last of all we will plug in just supply power to the CPU right we will just kind of stuff these in here to be careful though because put the case back together and then I will show you guys what it’s like when it’s done as you can see we have it starting Windows like I said earlier it is Windows 7 so this graphics card can only work on Windows 7 sadly so if you were planning on using Windows 10 with it it won’t work really but okay I mean it’s loading it’s doing everything I needed to see I mean windows7 just got to the point where it’s no longer supported but it still works good


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