** This is a video transcript and may contain errors. Find the video here **
Today we are gonna be making a video on how to make a spambot for hangouts Google hangout so first thing you’re gonna want to do is you want to you’re going to want to open a new tab and go to hangouts you know what can make a new conversation and I’m gonna make it with myself.
Create the Bot
We’re gonna do is go to our desktop and it has to be Windows to do this sorry Mac users what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna make a new text document once it opens now that that is open we just save it as save as spam dot back yes I know what already exists we’re gonna do it we’re gonna save it anyway in this file you’re just gonna simply make that you’re going to type this in [Music] now that Sun control s and then we’re gonna make a new file okay we’re gonna save this one as C files do we have C we are gonna save this one as another span but BBS so we’re gonna file save as spam VBS yes I already know it exists but replace it so set W shell actually just gonna copy and paste this in a little there we go so now that we have that you should be able to control s safe and so now we’re gonna open we’re gonna go back to our hangouts and we’re gonna open up our bat file so open up the file explorer desktop and [Music] and see now it’s gonna be same spam bot spam bot spam but I’m not even typing anything in and that’s how it works if you want to stop it you just close this file there’s a bat file but if you want to change what it says you can change it like a high or something you just edit your VBS file so we will go back here and we go to spend off PBS click Edit and right here we’re gonna put hello save close close so then we can go back and we just simply once again open up our bat file just right here and it starts running and now it says hello and that’s how you do it so that’s how this video works and that’s how all the script works thanks for watching and we’ll see you on the next coding trip.