Making Pages in Kodular/MIT App Inventor
December 10, 2023In this video/blog I explain how to create our initial pages for our app using Kodular/MIT App Inventor.
How to Use Kodular/MIT App Inventor
May 30, 2023In this video I explain how to navigate and use Kodular/MIT App Inventor. This is crucial for making apps using these services.
The Design Plan – Creating an App with Kodular/MIT App Inventor
May 23, 2023In this video/blog we go over the fist stage of how to create your own app using Kodular/MIT App Inventor. The Design Stage.
Roadmap To Creating an App with Kodular/MIT App Inventor
May 16, 2023In this blog/video I go over a roadmap of how we are going to create an entire app with Kodular and MIT App Inventor.
The Top Java IDE’s for 2023
April 3, 2023In this video/blog I go over my top 5 IDE’s that I use for Java. See what made the list…
Is Programming A Good Career
December 29, 2021Today we are going to be going over a topic that you guys voted on that we should go over, and that would be, “Is Programming A Good Career”
How Technology Affects Communication
October 2, 2021So, this video title kind of would seem a little stupid to you, doesn’t it? You’re probably thinking that well, no duh, technology has affected communication.
MIT App Inventor Login/Sign Up with Database Tutorial
August 13, 2021In this video I show how using MIT App Inventor you can create a Sign Up and Sign In with a database.
Why Technology is Important in the Classroom
June 11, 2021I’m going to open up this video by asking you a question. How often do you use your phone?
Can Programming be Done on a Phone?
June 6, 2021In this video and blog post I explain and discuss how programming on a phone can be done.