Firebase and Connectivity in Kodular/MIT App Inventor
December 14, 2023In this blog I go through my video of how to connect Google Firebase and Bluetooth with Kodular and MIT App Inventor.
Making Pages in Kodular/MIT App Inventor
December 10, 2023In this video/blog I explain how to create our initial pages for our app using Kodular/MIT App Inventor.
How to Use Kodular/MIT App Inventor
May 30, 2023In this video I explain how to navigate and use Kodular/MIT App Inventor. This is crucial for making apps using these services.
The Design Plan – Creating an App with Kodular/MIT App Inventor
May 23, 2023In this video/blog we go over the fist stage of how to create your own app using Kodular/MIT App Inventor. The Design Stage.
The Top Java IDE’s for 2023
April 3, 2023In this video/blog I go over my top 5 IDE’s that I use for Java. See what made the list…
Is Programming A Good Career
December 29, 2021Today we are going to be going over a topic that you guys voted on that we should go over, and that would be, “Is Programming A Good Career”
MIT App Inventor Login/Sign Up with Database Tutorial
August 13, 2021In this video I show how using MIT App Inventor you can create a Sign Up and Sign In with a database.
HTML Beginners Course in 15 Minuites
January 22, 2021In this video and blog post I give an entire beginners HTML course in 15 minuites.
MIT App Inventor Login Screen
June 30, 2020In this video I demistrate how you can make a Login Screen wiht MIT APP Inventor that is super easy to create. Make sure to follow along closely.
Creating an HTML and JS Security System
Hey guys today I’m going to be showing you guys how to make a security system out of HTML and JavaScript all we’re using as HTML Javascript