The Best Coding App for iPhone
March 26, 2020Hey guys today we’re gonna be showing you my favorite app to code with the phone the iPhone what you do is just go into the App Store and you search up Koder
Creating a Messaging Spam Bot
March 23, 2020Today we are gonna be making a video on how to make a spambot for hangouts Google hangouts
Upgrading the HP Pavillion p6000 Home Computer
March 15, 2020Hey guys today we are going to be upgrading a HP billion p6000 computer we are going to be adding new and features to it
How to Install Unlaunch on DSi
July 28, 2019All right so today for today’s video we’re gonna be hacking a DSi and installing Unlaunch.
Arch Linux ARM for Chromebook Tutorial
May 18, 2019Hey guys so today we are going to be installing Arch Linux arm on a Samsung Chromebook now we’re not technically installing it on the Chromebook
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